Business Chief Europe Magazine April 2015 | Page 19

Are your executive team healthy enough to make the right decisions for your business ?
now more than ever ( John Reid- Dodick , AOL ’ s chief people officer , calls it a game-changer ). Why do we pay such high salaries and blindly expect investors to support top executives who have no sustainable high performance diagnostics or improvement plans ? No airline pilot or fire chief would risk leaving their daily performance to chance . As the Financial Times suggested in 2012 , when chief executives are appointed , boards should provide them with a support network before the new boss has an urgent reason to ask for it .
Executive burnout and even executive suicide are on the rise , but the extent remains hidden , and often the causes ( or taking steps to overcome them ) remain taboo . Yet the fact is that leaders need resilience to bounce back from setbacks , they need mental agility to solve tough problems and they need stamina to see meaningful projects through .
They also have a responsibility to energise their teams . To me , focusing on this level of personal preparation is the next competitive edge in business .