Business Chief Europe Magazine December 2016 | Page 24

as the Press and Broadcast Centre during 2012 and located just a javelin ’ s throw from the Olympic Stadium . It is designed to deliver a real legacy from the Olympics by using the fantastic foundations the games laid down as a springboard for the future .
One significant result of the Olympics was that it gave us a renewed appreciation for the role of sport as a force for good in society . As we saw , sport improves health , builds character , inspires dreams and unites communities . It made complete sense for an innovation centre which supports tech entrepreneurs and small businesses to scale internationally , to have Olympic values at its foundations , and a focus on sport , health , fashion , and design .
Technology is bringing together many once independent sectors : for example , fintech and cyber security innovations often underpin a well-performing connected device , such as your smart watch .
What ’ s driving the rapid convergence of these fields is the
24 December 2016