TECHNOLOGY and economical source ; huge global companies like Apple and Facebook are investing massively in Sweden , Finland , Denmark and Norway because those countries offer such an abundance of green , inexpensive energy .
DigiPlex decided to take this a step further still by creating a new coolingsystem . The traditional water-based system involves the movement of water all around the facility , which proceeds to grow hot and then requires cooling again , consuming a great deal of energy . DigiPlex , however , decided to utilise the surrounding air , which is already cool , and develop what it calls an indirect air-to-air cooling system .
“ We take the cool air and use huge fans which operate very slowly , and blow the air across the hot computer units , ensuring that the entire room remains cool ,” Murphy explains . “ We end up with a power usage efficiency level of 1.1 or less , which places our new centres in the top three percent of the most efficient in the world . Customers love us because costs are dramatically reduced . Environmentalists love us because we ’ re using so much less power . We ’ ve won numerous awards for this , and because the Nordics have a very stable power supply , it ’ s a winwin-win situation for everybody .”
Customer trust
The year DigiPlex was founded
According to Murphy , there are two sub-sets of clients : those already present in the Nordic region , and international customers which come – and stay – for the massive savings ( a 20-megawatt data centre running for 10 years in the Nordics would save around $ 75 million compared with the same size data centre in the UK ). DigiPlex has the most modern and efficient system available , the highest level of security staff , and crucially , 15 years of experience in the industry . “ When we started in 2001 , nobody had deep experience in this sector ,” says Murphy . “ The most important thing to the customer is to choose a provider with a proven track record . Customers
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