Business Chief Europe Magazine February 2018 | Page 41

“ Managing risk can literally mean the difference between a company being profitable and being bankrupt ” - Michael Rosenberg , WPV Corp

space , as it is in so many others , is by embracing cognitive technology .
David Cahn is the Director of Product Marketing for Elemica , a leading business network for supply chains of process businesses , discussed how that might , and might not , change things .
“ Cognitive risk management involves the decision by a human to follow the risk mitigation procedures , but knowing the risk of something doesn ’ t prevent us from taking a chance anyway ,” says Cahn .
“ However , cognitive science is being incorporated into technology to create powerful tools that tackle complete problems . Advanced analytics and automation will increasingly play bigger roles as tactical solutions to drive efficiency or to help executives solve complex problems .
“ The real opportunities lie in re-imaging the enterprise as an intelligent organisation – one designed to create situational awareness with tools capable of analysing disparate data in real or near-real time .