In today ’ s highly-competitive business environment , even the largest , most profitable organisations struggle to maintain business longevity . To increase their chances of long-term success , companies must transform themselves into sustainable enterprises , capable of adapting to changing priorities , markets and customer demand .
European organisations often lead the way . KPMG ’ s latest Change Readiness Index ranks business action on rapid change based on an ‘ Enterprise Sustainability ’ metric , which takes into account factors such as carbon emissions per unit of GDP and the energy mix used by the business community . The ranking places Switzerland first overall , and in terms of Enterprise Sustainability , for the second consecutive year . European countries fill five other places in the Enterprise Sustainability top 10 .
There are three areas around which discussions and debates about the sustainable enterprise tend to be focused : the environmental impact or footprint of the business , the need to create a sustainable business model and why a sustainable workforce is critical . The focus on reducing environmental impact by reducing energy