Business Chief Europe Magazine July 2019 | Page 126


ImpactAgri is on a mission to bring together major companies , investors and stakeholders to create economically viable , socially inclusive , environmentally sustainable agribusinesses across Africa


M ining companies are some of the biggest landowners and economic contributors in Africa . As such , they have a unique opportunity , and responsibility , to develop economic diversification strategies based on the sustainable use of land and water resources . Agriculture should be a core component of this strategy , where the needs of mining and agriculture in rural areas overlap in many ways and at all stages in the life of a mine .

ImpactAgri is working with the mining industry in Africa , and increasingly elsewhere , to help mining companies contribute to and benefit from the economic , social and environmental impacts of sustainable agriculture . ImpactAgri ’ s work plays a key role in the development of responsible mining strategies for many companies .
ImpactAgri Founder & CEO , Jon White , had 20 years of experience working in agriculture when he recognised the need to find a new way to improve logistics , access-to-market and financing for emerging agribusinesses in Africa . He believes agriculture
JULY 2019