Business Chief Europe Magazine July 2019 | Page 131

David Hampton
of agriculture away from the mine to stop that drift , and people will go there rather than to the mine gate ,” he reasons . “ In sensitive areas , like Guinea and Cameroon , to have a strategy that creates a hub away from the mine , but coherent with its situation and , to a degree , supported by the mine , is a positive thing to do for all concerned .”
ImpactAgri ’ s other Founder and Director , David Hampton , is keen to see agriculture projects working alongside mining and other industries , both taking advantage of and spurring on the development of key infrastructure vital for the life of an industrial project and its local community . He advises that addressing key questions can help companies benefit from the agriculture sector . “ Can agriculture provide sustainable jobs alongside this industrial activity ? Can it contribute to the social license to operate by building community relations ? Can it provide solutions for post-mine planning that deliver more than trees and dry grassland with poor biodiversity ? How can agricultural technologies help rehabilitate land , stabilise tailing ponds and help remove heavy metals ? All the way through the value chain , there is a crossover between agriculture and the different stages mines and other

David Hampton

David Hampton is a highly experienced strategy consultant , company director and entrepreneur . He has over 30 years of international experience and expertise in strategy consulting primarily providing advice to major global corporations in the energy , mining and agri-business industries on the strategic impact of sustainability and clean technology developments on their business .
europe . businesschief . com