Business Chief Europe Magazine July 2019 | Page 28

28 terabytes of data from the past year regarding airflow , temperatures of each individual machine in each position , outside temperature and so on . Now we ’ re doing the machine learning part , and we ’ ll start testing that side out towards the end of the summer .”
Also embracing the company ’ s origins as a software provider is Evobits ’ next solution , which aims to address the issue of unsafe crypto trading . “ The problem with starting the next PayPal is that you have to trust PayPal ,” posits Silviu . “ The customer pays you , but your money is actually in PayPal . They will send it to you . If you have an issue with them or they have an issue with you , you ’ re pretty much stuck . The main point of cryptocurrencies is to have a trustless system where you are in charge and responsible .” Operating in closed beta and scheduled for launch in summer 2019 , Evobits ’ latest offering is a trustless cryptocurrency invoicing platform . “ It ’ s similar to PayPal but for cyrptocurrency coins , and it ’ s a trustless system , meaning we never touch the money , we just provide all the tools required and peek through the window to detect the payments . We already processed invoices with
a value of over $ 100mn in 2018 .” Silviu explains . Evobits ’ platform will provide a complete inventory management and invoicing tools , and monitor peer-topeer crypto transactions to regulate the exchange , but won ’ t require users to trust them with their hard-earned coins . Silviu agrees that , in a market with so little regulation , trustless systems are a large part of the way forward . “ You see so many people losing their money when cryptocur-
JULY 2019