Business Chief Europe Magazine July 2019 | Page 51

Are there any recent projects LatentView Analytics has worked on related to supply chain analytics that you can discuss ? Currently we ’ re working on several interesting projects . We ’ re helping some big name retailers understand how in an omni-channel environment they can understand their net cost for every consumer channel . There are certain aspects where it becomes not just a supply chain solution . Once you understand the optimal channel mix , you also have to take into account downstream promotion , and make the data actionable and profitable .
We ’ re also doing some work in supply chain and predictive analytics . In the US market , over the past two years , there have been more occurrences of incorrect delivery windows , due to shortages of supply . This creates both a greater cost to the company , as well as operational inefficiency . We ’ re now looking at a predictive model that compiles and analyses data to help more accurately predict arrival times of packages for consumers .
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