For FLAP to become FLAMP , Marseille will have to be more than just a transfer city – it has the potential to become a content city too . Franck Simon , Managing Director of France-IX agrees that content providers turning their attention to the burgeoning markets of the Middle East and Africa – whose population is expected to surpass two billion by 2050 – see Marseille as the nearest politically stable location with the level of infrastructure they need .
Fabrice Coquio - Managing Director , Interxion France
London , and Paris ( FLAP ) between them account for 80 percent of the data centre market in Europe .” MRS1 was acquired and equipped at a cost of € 45 million rather than built on a greenfield site simply because of the time constraint , he said . Both Interxion and France-IX are finding that customers in Africa want a presence in Marseille to connect them with FLAP .
Latency and latitude That ’ s just one reason why it was imperative to get capacity quickly – already customers are migrating from the legacy 750 watts per square ( W / m2 ) metre space to the ‘ new ’ 1,500 ( W / m2 ) space Interxion is building . Another is the imminent arrival in Marseille of AAE-1 , the first high capacity cable system to link all of the major South East Asian nations to Africa and Europe via the Middle East . It will facilitate and provide support for the unprecedented growth of Asia-Africa trade , says Coquio , and provide a low-latency link to India , Singapore and China . “ The cable will allow 40,000 connections
12 June 2015