Business Chief Europe Magazine June 2016 | Page 3

Enjoy the issue !
Lucy Dixon

IN THIS ISSUE EDITOR ’ S COMMENT Technology transformations

WELCOME TO THE JUNE issue of Business Review Europe .
This month our focus very much lies in the digital sphere , with our cover feature looking at how Close Brothers Premium Finance is transforming its service delivery by embarking on a huge digitisation journey .
We also enter the worlds of manufacturing and business directories , charting the technological changes that have occurred at Swiss machine manufacturer Tornos and Belgium ’ s Yellow Pages .
Before our profiles you will discover how IMAX is competing with the rise of on demand entertainment , spearheaded by the remarkable uptake of Netflix . Pivotal Labs tell us why it thinks IT development outsourcing is a thing of the past , while we also examine seven of the hottest companies currently on Twitter .
I hope you find this issue an interesting one ; get in touch with us @ BizReviewEurope to continue the debates .
Enjoy the issue !
Lucy Dixon
Managing Editor EMEA lucy . dixon @ bizclikmedia . com