Business Chief Europe Magazine June 2016 | Page 30

Despite a comparatively modest following of 9,400 tweeters , Direct Line was named by Harvard Business School as the best corporate tweeter in its 2015 study of 300 of the largest FTSE , NASDAQ and NYSE companies .
To Harvard , “ social media isn ’ t merely a place for people to chat with each other and for brands to talk at their customers . For a new generation of consumers who get their news and form their views about the world primarily on social media , it is an essential proving ground ”. Empathy is another key emotion or trait which successful corporate Twitter accounts master , and this includes a gender neutral or even slightly female tone to tweets . Direct Line ’ s twitter feed certainly pulls this off with a degree of charm , wit and feeling of genuine concern towards those it interacts with . Whether it ’ s advice on dealing with hayfever or simply announcing that they are there to help , the company ’ s social media team is certainly doing an effective job .

01 Direct Line / 9.4k

Twitter : @ DirectLine _ UK

Despite a comparatively modest following of 9,400 tweeters , Direct Line was named by Harvard Business School as the best corporate tweeter in its 2015 study of 300 of the largest FTSE , NASDAQ and NYSE companies .

To Harvard , “ social media isn ’ t merely a place for people to chat with each other and for brands to talk at their customers . For a new generation of consumers who get their news and form their views about the world primarily on social media , it is an essential proving ground ”. Empathy is another key emotion or trait which successful corporate Twitter accounts master , and this includes a gender neutral or even slightly female tone to tweets . Direct Line ’ s twitter feed certainly pulls this off with a degree of charm , wit and feeling of genuine concern towards those it interacts with . Whether it ’ s advice on dealing with hayfever or simply announcing that they are there to help , the company ’ s social media team is certainly doing an effective job .

30 June 2016