Business Chief Europe Magazine June 2017 | Page 17
Waste “ Generate no untreated waste to landfill and achieve a 70 percent waste recycling rate ”
Water “ Continually improve the quality of water leaving the airport . Achieve a 20 percent reduction in water consumptions ( against 2010 baseline ”
Community “ Share the benefits of Gatwick ' s growth , contributing to the social , environmental and educational development of our community ”
Carbon footprint “ Reduce our carbon emissions by 50 percent ( Total known CO2 at a 1990 baseline vs 2020 scope 1 & 2 emissions ). 25 percent of our energy to come from renewable sources ”
Transport “ Achieve 40 percent public transport mode share for air passengers and staff by the time the airport reaches 40mppa . Identify feasible measures to achieve a stretch target of 45 percent public transport mode share once the 40 percent target at 40mppa has been achieved . Achieve a quality service rating of 4.5 ( 1 is lowest , 5 is the highest ) for all surface access transport modes and facilities by the time the airport reaches 40mppa ”