Business Chief Europe Magazine June 2021 | Page 5


If digital transformation was the business buzzword of 2020 , fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic , then 2021 is fast shaping up to be The Year of Sustainability . Look around you . Everyone from governments to multinational organisations that previously would have been viewed as enemies of the environment are flashing their sustainability credentials .

“ These are exciting times with the promise of opportunity .

And that ’ s as good a reason as any for Business Chief to undergo its own digital transformation ”

Even more are wearing those as badges of honour , but it ’ s essential to understand that even the term sustainability has undergone its own transformation in the last two years – in no small part instigated by social issues from Black Lives Matter to the Me Too movement .
Diversity & Inclusion are top of the corporate agenda , and how you run your business is now under more scrutiny than ever . That extends far beyond the four walls of the boardroom , putting executives directly responsible for every business in their supply chain .
These are exciting times with the promise of opportunity . And that ’ s as good a reason as any for Business Chief to undergo its own digital transformation . Following this latest June issue , we will be back in September with a fresh look , new editions , and updated agenda as we better reflect the audiences we serve and represent .
Consider it our own sustainability initiative – making the Business Chief brand stronger for a brighter , exciting , fairer future .
SCOTT BIRCH scott . birch @ bizclikmedia . com © 2021 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED businesschief . eu 5