The iconic MINI Cooper SD model
© BMW AG the outside , my brand team has a much greater idea of what the brand is about , and how it can be positioned . The product guys in turn get a much better understanding of what they need to design in order to get the brand into the product .”
So what can Wortmann reveal about new innovations and vehicle designs in the BMW pipeline ? The cards are close to her chest , at least for now . “ Watch this space , there ’ s definitely lots of cool stuff to come ,” she says .
Trust The conversation soon returns to the value of authenticity , and with it , trust . With branding now very much at the heart of Wortmann ’ s job , I ask a simple question : what is a brand ?
“ In the proper sense , a brand is something you promise ,” she explains . “ A promise in today ’ s times where customers look for orientation and have an explosion of choices becomes ever more complex . It ’ s a matter of trust in