Legacy systems , future growth With a complete restructure of a technological process , challenge is inescapable . For Premium Credit , as with many large businesses , legacy technology infrastructure represents a key challenge .
“ It ’ s about establishing what the change capabilities are for the company . We aren ’ t early adopters , we are identifying established technologies and tailoring those to our intermediaries and our customers ’ needs ,” says Woolgrove .
“ The key challenge is understanding what people want and need , and delivering against it . It ’ s not about rolling out the latest “ big technology ”, but about delivering what customers want .”
Looking to the future , the goal is to continuously improve efficiency and become more digitally enabled as a company . Future investments will include enhancing the customer portal , delivering more self-service tools and applications , and enhancing the analytical insight the company offers .
“ We will continue to grow our offering and grow into other segments of business . Looking longer term , our core product system allows multi-language and multicurrency , and we are continuously creating opportunities to expand our business ,” Woolgrove says .
“ It ’ s about giving ourselves all of these future opportunities to grow and become a smarter and more efficient business .” www . premiumcredit . co . uk 75