Business Chief Europe Magazine March 2017 | Page 82

and demands of all its customers .
“ Unlike our competitors , we do not manufacture jet engines , airframes or parts . Our product is our people ,” says Book .
“ They are the most critical component of our business and frankly , every one of our clients can also pick up the phone and speak with me directly if they have an issue or simply want to say hello .”
Being an independent company , challenges from competition are inescapable . JSSI is competing with large-scale manufacturers , such as Rolls-Royce , GE , Honeywell and Pratt & Whitney . These are global brands operating across multiple industry sectors .
“ Their names are literally on the side of the aircraft or engine ,” says Book . “ The biggest challenge is often helping prospective customers understand the key differentiators that JSSI , as an independent provider , delivers .”
But this isn ’ t a challenge that JSSI avoids . In fact , Book actively welcomes the challenge as the business can call upon an incredible track record over its 28 years that proves the business model is resonating well in the market .
The biggest testament to this is best represented by the fact that JSSI just had the most successful year in the company ’ s history . In 2016 alone , JSSI enrolled close to 300 aircraft with contracts valued in the region of $ 400 million .
“ We demonstrate the financial and economic benefits , along with the service benefits that come with JSSI ,” says Book . “ Whereas larger companies are more rigid , one of the things we pride ourselves on is our flexibility , ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit , which has directly led to our success .”
Destination data Over the last few years , JSSI has expanded into new businesses that support the core business , with the launch of JSSI Parts , Jet Engine Leasing and a dedicated Asset Monitoring Platform ( AMP ). JSSI Parts , developed in 2014 , allows JSSI to leverage its significant buying power to deliver parts to the Business Aviation market at competitive prices .
“ JSSI Parts is probably the fastest growing parts broker in the Business
82 March 2017