TECHNOLOGY interface , Tsabar and his team also made sure to collaborate with the most important user of all : the customer . Simplicity and transparency were the values at the core of Meitav Dash ’ s customer-facing digital initiative and the firm made sure to hold ‘ brainstorm ’ sessions with clients during the design process . While Tsabar reports that the company has made major strides , he realizes that the process of serving customers is an ongoing one . “[ Our technology ] will have more functionality with time ,” he explains . “ We ’ ll learn what the customer wants . It ’ s progress . It ’ s not something you build overnight .”
Looking forward Naturally , big data will play a role in analyzing customer expectations . And for Meitav Dash , the more information they
“ I don ’ t believe in the buzzword ‘ big data ’. I believe that big data is a nice way of saying business intelligence ” have about a client ’ s needs , the more tailored their service can be . Ultimately , this is the aim of the firm ’ s digital transformation .
“ I don ’ t believe in the buzzword ‘ big data ’. I believe that big data is a nice way of saying business intelligence ,” claims Tsabar . “ If you analyse your data correctly and intelligently , you will retain more customers and , using your data , you can attract new customers in the right way .”
While 2020 might still be a few years away , there is little doubt that ‘ the future ’ is already here for Meitav Dash .
– GILL TASBAR , CIO en . meitavdash . co . il 95