LIFELONG HOSPITALITY feel like they have something different in terms of family culture and values . More recently I opened a new hotel in Marrakech , and I loved my time there too . The culture , the energy , the spices , the smells are all wonderful .”
The non-stop lifestyle of a global hotel and resort CEO leads one to wonder if there is such a thing as a work-life balance , which leads Chavy to explain a competency test ran by previous employer Hilton that has stayed with him ever since . The ability to switch off as well as remain switched on is , perhaps , an unlikely secret to his success to date .
He concludes : “ I have a passion for my work so for me being at work is not like being in jail . But , during my time at Hilton one of the competencies they assessed was your resilience and ability to switch off . I do try to do this – for example yesterday I had a couple of tough meetings and I decided to leave early at 6pm and bike on the tracks here in Dubai until 10 , and I had a blast . This is the way I can find some me time , and these times are so valuable to refuel the tank and my energy for the job . So yes , balance is key .”