Swisscom , Switzerland ’ s leading telecoms company , is testing a driverless car on city roads ; it ’ s equipped with cameras , sensors , radar and an on-board computer to help it manoeuvre safely . The driverless car enables Swisscom to gather empirical data for the mobility of the future , including what this means for communication . It ’ ll also look at how vehicles , objects and people can be optimally networked . Efficient traffic control systems result in less congestion , which in turn helps the environment and reduces economic costs - all good reasons for Swisscom to get involved in the issue of future mobility .
It ’ s these trials happening across Europe and others across the world that will help to shape the future of mobility and how we move around our cities . It ’ s likely that as transport is going to get safer and more efficient , we ’ ll also be seeing the rise in mobilityas-a-service , with fewer people owning cars and more people simply calling for a car or bus as we currently do with services such as Uber .
That ’ s not to say people won ’ t still own cars , but commuting will be fundamentally different and there ’ s the chance we ’ ll be able to free up our travel time to get work done , catch up with friends or learn a new skill , rather than sitting behind the wheel in traffic .
28 May 2017