Business Chief Europe Magazine November 2016 | Page 18

delivered , the shuttles were put to the test during six months in a private area near the city ( Sion ). PostBus collaborated closely with the manufacturer and the relevant authorities at the federal , cantonal and municipal levels . Passenger safety was the top priority for all the companies and institutions involved in the test .
To meet the requirements , the two autonomous vehicles had to undergo further development . They now have air conditioning , and feature permanent ventilation and windscreen wipers for optimum visibility through the windshield . A second battery with an output of 16.5 kW ensures greater autonomy of the vehicles , and thanks to a ramp , people with limited mobility can also use the shuttles .
For legal reasons , during the first phase of the project a groom will be present on the shuttles to welcome passengers , answer any of their questions and ensure safety but , in the long run , there won ’ t be a groom in the shuttles .
What are the early findings suggesting about the integration of driverless vehicles into urban areas ? The early findings suggest autonomous vehicles are well accepted by users , who prefer using the shuttles over walking . Nevertheless , there are still some steps to be taken before having a competitive transport service . The fleet ’ s size will increase , vehicles will evolve at higher speed and most importantly the area deserved will be bigger and denser . Technologic improvements come at a fast pace , these steps will be overcome in the next months .
What are your future plans regarding SmartShuttle ? Since the approval of the pilot project