01 . Bayer
WEB : www . bayer . com
Bayer is also known as Bayer AG . The company focuses on high value polymers , agricultural chemicals , biotech products , veterinary pharmaceuticals and consumer health care products . Bayer controlled $ 56.3bn in revenues in 2016 and worked from $ 8.48bn in operating income . Bayer actually holds the trademark to the name ‘ heroin ’ although it no longer markets diacetylmorphine as a cough suppressant as it did in 1898 . Today , Bayer is focused on the products of its recent acquisitions , including Dr . Scholl ’ s , Coppertone and Claritin . Through its BayerCropscience subsidiary , Bayer also develops pesticides and genetically-modified crops as well as polycarbonates and polyurethanes . 37