Business Chief Europe Magazine October 2016 | Page 10


“ What we are seeing now in conjunction with the timing of 5G is interest from a lot of industries who want to use connectivity in their processes ”

– Dr Håkan Andersson , Head of 5G Product Strategy at Ericsson connected vehicles , connected roads and connected public transport stops all communicating with one another . 5G could help permit a situation where an electric bus tells an electric highway that is in need of charging , at the same time feeding a bus stop information of its exact whereabouts to keep passengers up to date .
Filling a gap between the Internet of Things ( IoT ) and humans is another use case , whether it be connecting smart houses to phones or keeping customers informed of where their deliveries are . In terms of industry , the final use case comes in the critical control of remote devices , from smart grids to heavy machinery .
“ This is where the challenge lies , making a network than can handle all of these use cases ,” explains Näslund . “ For example , we are working with New Boliden , a Swedish mining company , on how we can leverage 5G to allow them to remotely control underground trucks used to transport
Head of Ericsson Research , Sara Mazur , in the 5G lab
10 October 2016