How exciting is the emergence of generative AI from a business perspective ? As a tool for the CIO , as with any other business lead , AI provides an opportunity to take manual , repetitive tasks away from key staff and allow them to concentrate on valueadd activities . Efficiency , productivity gains and additional protection , particularly in using AI in cyber tooling , helps in leading a function .
The introduction of AI into the business means the CIO needs to build teams , as well as defining policies and standards , to ensure safe and effective use of new technologies . While AI is a powerful tool which can be used to differentiate a business , if you don ’ t have good data or in-house expertise to validate the results it can lead to serious consequences .
What are your goals for the next 12 months ? I ’ ve got a big focus on data , cyber and automation , which is probably common with most IT execs . Building on foundational capabilities I will be working with my peers to identify ways we can develop software and data as a service products , both for our internal use in serving clients but also as technology products in their own right . Advances in data science and automation intelligence will allow us to improve productivity in data ingestion and improve security in sharing data with our clients , their investors and third parties such as regulators . Cyber threats are continually advancing so it is critical to stay one step ahead and evolve our security posture . businesschief . com . eu 17