such as Philips , and in India , Apollo Hospitals . This will address doctor shortages , benefit overstretched health services , and could make healthcare much more accessible .
Circulating out of poverty Sweden has taken a particularly progressive direction with its policy of reducing VAT on repaired and refurbished goods . There have also been a few countries springing towards it that Iles wasn ’ t expecting to be so forward-thinking . “ It always amazes me . Awareness of circular economy is cropping up in countries that wouldn ’ t necessarily be your first thought . Rwanda appeared last year on our radar as they are considering circular economy as a development strategy . Emerging nations might be the ones who surprise us with ambitious policies and directions .”
The Ellen McCarthur Foundation has predicted there could be huge benefits to people ’ s income . By 2030 it believes EU households could see an increase of € 3,000 a year in disposable income , which is 10 % more than if the economy follows its current path . “ We put it down to a reduced cost in products and services , and the conversion of unproductive to productive time ,” Iles says .
This would apply globally too . In India , for instance , there would be 15 % less spending on food and a decrease of 24 % in transport costs .
“ You can read all these things about how the world is getting better and standards of living are increasing ,” says Iles . “ These are sweeping statements , but I mention them because if we want everyone around the world to alleviate poverty and to pursue sustainable goals , we don ’ t believe you can do that on a linear development path . It ’ s something that worked quite well when you had lots of energy and resources , and places to put stuff when you didn ’ t need them anymore , but we don ’ t think those conditions are reliable in the 21st century .
“ If we largely agree on that , and most people do agree that those are issues , then what ’ s the alternative ? That ’ s why for me personally , a circular development path is definitely the best approach .”
14 September 2017