Business Chief Europe Magazine September 2023 | Page 28


Headquaters : Dubai Chairman / MD : Dr Azad Moopen Founded : 1987
As one of the largest integrated healthcare providers in the GCC and India , Aster boasts the highest level of ESG rating , having integrated 11 UN SDGs into its ESG policies . The Group , which has 697 facilities across seven countries , and employs a diverse workforce of 27,200 , is the only listed company to feature in Corporate Knights Global 100 – ranked the world ’ s 94th most sustainable company – and has secured many awards for CSR and community initiatives .
Among sustainability efforts , Aster is rolling out renewable energy across its hospitals and recycling water , while its award-winning CSR project Aster Volunteers has touched the lives of more than 4 million people , including organising the world ’ s largest-ever free diabetes screening camp for low-income workers .
28 September 2023