Business Chief Europe Magazine February 2018 | Page 18


SPEAK TO THE leader of any ambitious business in any region of the world , and it won ’ t be long before you arrive at one particular topic in the conversation .
‘ Digital transformation ’ may well rank as the buzziest of buzz phrases from 2017 , a year that also made convincing commentators ‘ influencers ’, heralded any progress points as ‘ nextgen ’ and redefined an employee ’ s ( human , not robot ) working capacity as ‘ bandwidth ’. While quirks in language come and go , however , the plans and processes that define a ‘ digital transformation ’ are here to stay . This is no fad . Like the office chairs you sit in and the screens you ’ re reading on , technology as the vertebrae of a business – and installing it quickly - is becoming less desirable and more just plainly essential .
Yet a recent study , conducted by Vanson Bourne , reported that nine out of every 10 digital transformation projects fail . The research called on input from 450 CIOs , CTOs and
18 February 2018