Business Chief Europe Magazine February 2018 | Page 26


FOR ANY BUSINESS , ensuring that you keep hold of your most talented members of staff in an often increasingly competitive job market can be the difference between sustained success and the possibility of stagnating or going backwards .
Indeed , a recent Willis Towers Watson study showed that more than half of all organisations globally have difficulty retaining some of their most valued employee groups and that more than a quarter of employees are considered ‘ high-risk ’ for turnover .
Most scholars would agree that motivation is at the heart of keeping a workforce happy and , according to a recent report by Forbes , establishing an emotional connection with staff is the key to ensuring a cohesive and inclusive culture around the company .
The Forbes study asked HR professionals what their biggest challenges are related to corporate culture and they said overwhelmingly that creating a cohesive culture ( 55 %) and retaining talent ( 41 %) gave them the most concern .
Lola Gershfeld , Psy . D , Board Dynamics Specialist and CEO at
52 % of executives feel culture is primarily set by the current CEO
Level Five Executive , says creating that emotional connection can be done using a three-stage plan called Board / Team Dynamics Process .
“ When everyone is familiar with and understands one streamlined process the culture becomes much more cohesive ,” she says . “ Team members start speaking
26 February 2018