116 bought from a bakery in Atlanta , Georgia , and our guacamole is made for us in Uruapan , Mexico . Our pulled beef is made in a special factory here in Stockholm , with carefully sourced meat from Uruguayan cows that are grain fed for 120 days . It ’ s put into an oven for 22 hours , and barbecued over hickory wood on a BBQ cooker specially bought from the US – that ’ s what makes Taco Bar ’ s food special .” Not only does this responsible sourcing ensure the quality of its ingredients , it also plays into the company ’ s focus on sustainability . Taco Bar operates on a low waste model , serving its food on china and drinks in glasses , moving away from plastic to paper , and carefully sorting any waste that is created . Recently , the company has seen success with vegetarian offerings : “ We have over 250 different dishes that you can have as a vegetarian , and our vegan shake has been a tremendous success on social media .”
JULY 2019