Business Chief Europe Magazine July 2019 | Page 48

Are there any particular industries which have the best opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by adopting this technology before the rest of their peers ? I can ’ t think of any industry that should not be investing in emerging technology solutions . In fact , it is no longer really a question of competitive edge , but rather of survival . If you ’ re not investing in emerging technology and at least exploring opportunities with AI , you ’ re making yourself vulnerable to other companies in the field that may have higher efficiency and greater analytical abilities ( and thus a greater competitive advantage ) in their supply chain .
What do you see as the biggest trends going forward related to emerging technology in AI and the supply chain ? Going forward , I see a number of ways that emerging technology will continue to influence the supply chain . The next step in using data in the supply chain will be merging all sources of customer data , including social media data . Down the line , we ’ ll be looking at more IoT data . In coming years , we expect to see the rise of the intelligent home assistant as the first point of understanding consumers and the supply side . Information on demand signals will no longer be coming directly from consumer
JULY 2019