As enterprises continue through their digital transformation journeys , how are innovations in AI and predictive technologies specifically playing a role ? Most enterprises on digital transformation journeys go through several stages , as they learn to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence . These stages are : descriptive , prescriptive , and predictive . In the first , you can only see what the data does , and it can help inform decisionmaking processes . In the second stage , you can employ an AI technology to gain prescriptive intelligence to solve specific problems or gain insight into definitive opportunities - for example , AI can identify demand per channel , or identify which models are the most profitable . In the third and final stage , you reach an exalted state of sorts wherein the ability to predict trends in the data becomes so accurate that it ’ s possible to preempt action around the insights . This final stage will lead to a much more focused and streamlined supply chain , and allow for comprehensive preemptive planning for all relevant supply and demand factors .
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