W hile most corporates and businesses have implemented a social impact strategy , many are typically incongruent with the company ’ s profitability and growth objectives , and are often rendered obsolete . Effective social impact strategies need to be ingrained in the very fabric of a company ’ s corporate DNA , and not just a tick in the box . Companies are still failing to grasp how having an effective social impact strategy is key to long term growth and viability .
CSR is a means for companies to bring benefit to themselves and employees whilst also benefiting society . While businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of having such a strategy , they are still lacking in awareness as to how deep a social impact strategy needs to be embedded in a company and why it needs to be embraced in this way .
A global study by the SEFORIS project ( the world ’ s largest study of social enterprises to date ) has revealed how companies delivering inclusive growth
JULY 2019