Business Chief Europe Magazine June 2019 | Page 16


“ Digital

transformation , for us , is to drive the top-line growth as well as the bottomline through efficiency and cost leadership

” Alain Brouhard ,

Group CIO , Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
The aforementioned smart coolers enable CCHBC to tick every box on this agenda . The beacon-enhanced coolers , which deliver push notifications to nearby consumers with special promotions , totalled around 120,000 in January 2018 . That number has tripled in just over a year , and Brouhard affirms that CCHBC will have deployed 500,000 across its 28 operational markets by the end of 2019 . “ Our coolers talk to the consumer ,” says Brouhard . “ If you have a third-party smartphone app , such as ShopFully in Italy with whom we ’ re now live , a push notification is sent to your phone when you pass close to one of the coolers .” Not only does the push notification alert the consumer to the fact a cooler is nearby , it can also provide exclusive offers to encourage them to make a purchase . “ This is an example of proximity marketing , and it ’ s elevating the performance of our promotions to a significantly better level : we have a return rate of promotion of 7-10 % compared to traditional returns of 2-3 %,” says Brouhard .
The impact that the coolers have through communicating directly with potential consumers is augmented with the data-driven efficiency they enable . “ The cooler , just to make it clear , is not a vending machine ,” clarifies Brouhard . “ With a vending machine , you know exactly what has been bought and you have a record of each purchase . This device has an open door , and we don ’ t have a record of how many beverages have been sold from it . With the
JUNE 2019