“ While future smart mobility will certainly comprise an array of exciting forms of transportation … we must not lose sight of the practical steps that need to be taken ”
— Sam Ryan , CEO & co-founder of Zeelo
70 highways and in busy urban centres , and the resulting environmental concerns that such high levels of traffic bring , there is a growing acceptance that private vehicles aren ’ t necessarily the way that people will move in future . Some are already beginning to break the habits of a lifetime and transition towards smarter shared mobility services – though the rate at which this is happening is perhaps slower than it ought to be .
The problems faced by societies on a global scale as a result of excessive car ownership are intensifying . Congestion is getting worse , costing an estimated $ 305bn in economic impact in 2017 in the US alone , an increase of $ 10bn from 2016 . Excessive carbon emissions from traffic are polluting our air to dangerous levels , with the World Health Organisation claiming that transport accounted for almost a quarter of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2010 . In addition , people are spending longer than ever commuting to and from work , regardless of how they travel , while the overwhelming need for more car parking spaces is limiting our ability to expand and grow smarter cities in the
JUNE 2019