TECHNOLOGY positive and customers have found it clear and intuitive ,” says Woolgrove .
“ They like the flexibility to be able to pay online , the confidence it allows them to have in the journey and the options available to them . They feel informed . It ’ s a very positive experience for customers and brokers . We believe that by presenting finance digitally alongside other forms of payments we will increase penetration .”
Like any technology , EPICC is something that will continue to be developed and iterated as customer demands change . Woolgrove sees EPICC as a core platform which the company can build upon . By measuring the way in which customers interact and use the system , Premium Credit can develop the software and assess how it can be incorporated into wider business sectors . Sectors like Fairway Credit ’ s golf club membership finance , for example , would benefit from the ease and simplicity that it provides to the customer journey , reducing the administration burden .
“ Initially it is focused on corporate and commercial customers , but we will extend it to retail customers , and to other business lines such as our Fairway Credit , School Fee Plan and My Commute for Less ,” he says .
“ We believe it ’ s a way of increasing how we interact with our intermediaries and our customers . Effectively EPICC is a long term strategic platform that will better enable this .”
Mark Dearnley
Chief Information Officer
Mark joined Premium Credit from HMRC in October 2016 to lead the transformation of our digital journey and enhanced capabilities for our partners and customers . Mark ; named Oracle Global Business Unit CIO of the year in 2012 , has extensive digital experience across a number of market sectors and has held senior positions at Vodafone , Cable and Wireless , and Boots . com . He brings strong technical insight , leadership and change delivery capability at a critical time for Premium Credit .
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