Business Chief Europe Magazine May 2017 | Page 12

hiring staff there very much revolved around role plays rather than interviews . In groups of three or four management were able to assess charisma , grooming , professionalism among other things . As a result the mix of the new hire is amazing . I could feel the pride at every corner of the hotel during the opening , and this is because we went beyond looking at resumes and interviews . The hires I spoke to shared with me their experiences and how eye opening it was – it not only convinced the recruiters but also themselves that they are fit for the role and that the role is right for them .”
The way Chavy himself experiences hotels as a user is evident in how he is developing MH & R ’ s ‘ we make moments ’ ethos . “ Nowadays clients are becoming less and less loyal to a brand , they are more attached to their five senses ,” he says .
Guest experience is more important than ever before , with a higher proportion of consumer reviews than ever focusing on the experience element ahead of other factors such as the bricks and mortar of a hotel .
“ Whenever I visit a hotel I always see what my senses are telling me on first impression ,” Chavy explains . “ You will always see me trying to touch the wall , the tiles , breathing and smelling the air . It is almost like buying a new car – that smell is something you don ’ t forget . The small details are the ones people remember , and can sometimes be the difference between a
12 May 2017