TECHNOLOGY implementation that launches at the end of this year is that of Adobe Experience Manager , which delivers customer experiences through FCR ’ s customer portal , and works ‘ right out of the box ’. In Farrell ’ s Dell days , working with Adobe meant needing entire development teams in different countries . When technology is simple to use as well as implement , customers feel closer to FCR , and so many more choices are made available to them .
“ One thing we ’ re able to do is work with global partners like Google , Facebook , Adobe , Salesforce , Harman , Deloitte Digital and Capgemini and bring them into the local market at a very affordable price . So , whether it ’ s about collating those experiences through our own platforms , or delivering them on behalf of our customers for their own customers , it has a big impact on everyone .”
“ The value is in making sure they can be found by their customers in the digital world ,” says Farrell . “ Our whole subscription model is based on a flexible approach where if a customer
“ We ’ re a one-stop shop , because 70-80 % of our customers are SMEs with less than 10 employees , so they don ’ t have their own IT or marketing departments ”
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