the manufacturing of home and fabric care products . This will be in operation by the end of the year , and is important step towards the company ’ s 2020 goal of using 30 percent renewable energy .
In terms of leaving nothing behind but fresh air , P & G ’ s Zero Waste to Landfill initiative is now fully in force with 68 sites and four countries ( Germany , Japan , Poland and Vietnam ) entirely landfill free – a move which has also generated $ 1.6 billion in value for the company .
“ To address the Febreze packaging impact we have partnered with TerraCycle ,” Helias explains . “ They are a wonderful organisation that manages waste that is difficult to recycle . The trigger heads in some
To download P & G ’ s latest sustainability report , CLICK HERE
To find out more about the Febreze recycling partnership with TerraCycle , visit : www . terracycle . co . uk
spray products are made with plastic and an aluminium spring , which municipal recycling plants can ’ t deal with . We have sponsored 971 locations that ship the packaging for free and then TerraCycle upcycles or repurposes the waste . For consumers it is great because we give them points which they can use to give to charities .”
Pampers , phosphates and beyond By integrating sustainability into brands ’ messaging and ensuring it delivers a return on investment , P & G has made some significant environmental steps in recent years .
Another renewable energy drive is taking place in Alabama in a partnership with Constellation to build a 50MW biomass plant at P & G ’ s Charmin and Bounty manufacturing site , one of its largest in the USA . This is due to begin operations in June 2017 and will provide 70 percent of the facility ’ s energy needs .
In Europe , recent innovation has resulted in diaper brand Pampers
14 September 2016