Monika Schulze
insurance companies rarely pay out . We looked at our numbers and realised how impressive that statistic was .”
Published by the Institute of Customer Service , the UKCSI rates customer satisfaction across 13 sectors , incorporating the views of 10,000 consumers on 247 brands . Zurich was also ranked first in the insurance sector for ethical business behaviours and connecting with consumers , and fifth and seventh respectively across all companies .
In order to drive renewed levels of customer satisfaction Zurich partners with Medallia , the market leader in Experience Management , rolling out an NPS expansion program across 25 countries . “ Don ’ t just buy a technology platform from a vendor , but use your partnership to further develop your program . You can learn from other companies and constantly improve and develop further ,” says Schulze . Medallia ’ s customer experience
Monika Schulze
“ Working and living in different countries and environments enriched my life and allowed me to think about what it means to be a good leader to a diverse group of people and thus shaping me into what I am today , with 30 years of experience in strategy and business development including profit and loss responsibility in different roles , functions and market environments including assignments abroad ,” says Zurich Insurance Group ’ s Global Head of Customer Experience & Digital Strategy Monika Schulze . Skilled in analysing market and customer data to define growth opportunities and effective strategies , Schulze has a proven track record of leading teams and building international networks to translate vision into action during times of change . Listed by MarTech as one of the “ Top Twelve Women CMOs to follow on Twitter ”, she has also been recognised by Forbes as one of the “ World ’ s Most Influential CMOs ” and awarded by AdAge as “ Woman to Watch Europe ” based on her notable accomplishments . She strongly believes technology can be a great enabler for the enhancement of customer experience .
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